Associate Professor
321 Simon Center
Office Hours:
  • Fri: 11:00 - 12:00 & 1:30 - 3:30
  • Mon - Fri: by appointment

Curriculum Vitae


Amy Guisinger joined the Economics faculty in the fall of 2016. She teaches Intermediate Macroeconomics, Fundamentals of Econometrics, Macroeconomic Data & Analysis, and Macroeconomic Forecasting.

Professor Guisinger’s research explores topics related to heterogeneity within a macroeconomic environment with a particular focus on time series analysis. Her work has been published in journals including Regional Science and Urban Economics, Journal of Macroeconomics, Econometrics and Statistics, and International Journal of Forecasting. It has been featured by media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg.

Courses Taught:
Economics 224: Macroeconomic Data & Analysis
Economics 252: Intermediate Macroeconomics
Economics 253: Fundamentals of Econometrics
Economics 407: Macroeconomic Forecasting