The Economics Department challenges students to actively engage in contemporary issues.

The department offers a major and minor, a Mathematics and Economics major (jointly with the Mathematics Department), and a Certificate in Financial Policy and Analysis, which are described on the program page. Our faculty offer a broad range of courses and suggest curricular advice for navigating the program. Our students are involved in a variety of activities including internships, honors theses, and research seminars. They are recognized for their accomplishments at the College and after they graduate. The department values diversity, equity, and inclusion in its activities.

What is Economics?

Economics is a social science that studies how people and societies use scarce resources, and how they respond to incentives. The appeal of economics lies in its application of theory and quantitative techniques to contemporary problems, helping its students to be informed and productive members of society. Economic analysis encompasses the study of firms, labor and capital markets, consumer choice, and government economic policy. It can help us address such questions as:

  • Why are some countries rich and some countries poor?
  • What are barriers to economic opportunity and how can they be addressed?
  • Why do women earn less than men?
  • How can data help us understand the world?
  • Why do we ignore information that could help us make better decisions?
  • What causes recessions?
  • What role do the financial markets play in the economy?

Why Study Economics?

Economics can give you invaluable insight into how the contemporary world works, excellent training and practice in qualitative and quantitative reasoning, and an understanding of the complex political economic issues that face the United States and the world today.

Majoring in economics can be a great asset in the job market. Of course,  what you do with your economics after graduation depends on your professional goals and interests. Many economics majors go on to graduate and business school, and accept positions in economics, law, or business; others become journalists, artists, social activists, and more, some of which they found through internships and externships.

A degree in economics is useful to all individuals and can lead to many interesting career choices. Individuals who study economics have diverse interests, backgrounds, and skills. Along with their insights a background in economics aid as a tool for problem solving in a variety of fields.

Note for international students: The Economics major (CIP Code: 45.0603) and the Mathematics and Economics major (CIP Code: 30.4901) are both classified as STEM, thus making graduates with either major eligible to apply for a 24-month extension of their post-completion optional practical training (OPT).


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