Charles A. Dana Professor of Economics
Office Hours:
  • Tues: 1:30 - 4:00
  • Or by appointment via Calendly: See Profile page for link

Curriculum Vitae


Susan Averett joined the Economics faculty in the fall of 1991. In the Economics Department, she teaches Fundamentals of Econometrics and Women and the Economy. In the Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies program, she offers the course: Gender and Economics. Her textbook: Women and the Economy: Family Work and Pay is in its fourth edition.

Professor Averett’s research spans the areas of gender economics and health economics and these areas often intersect in her work. Her work has been published in a diverse set of journals including the Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Health Economics, Economics and Human Biology, and Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. Her work has been featured in various media outlets including the Today Show, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Vox. She is the author/coauthor of over 50 scholarly articles, the co-editor of the volume: The Oxford Handbook of Women and the Economy and coauthor on the recently published book: Women in the Workforce: What Everyone Needs to Know. She serves as one of three co-editors of the journal Economics and Human Biology.

Courses Taught
Economics 253: Fundamentals of Econometrics
Economics 325: Women and the Economy
Women and Gender Studies 235: Gender and Economics

Affiliated Programs
Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies